Sunday, November 26, 2006

Girdwood, Alaska - Chugiak National Park

Turnagain Tracks

Cook Inlet

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Light upon the Mountains

Another shot from Eagle River

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Hatchers Pass

I took a drive today through Hatchers Pass.
There is a very cool creek that runs through - offering some very good photo ops.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Moonlit Mountains


Eagle River, Alaska on a very cold day

It was 18 degrees out - perfect for a hike through the park in Eagle River.

Moonlight Madness

Chulitna River

Denali panoramic

Mount McKinley is also commonly known as Denali, which means "the great one" in the Dena'ina language, and which is also the official name currently recognized by the State of Alaska. In 1897 the Mountain was officially named Mount McKinley, after the popular U.S. president William McKinley. As the decades progressed Indian-rights activists began increasingly to view this renaming as colonial and disrespectful. Denali is also the name preferred by the mountaineering community.

When Denali National Park and Preserve was established by the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, December 2, 1980, the Alaska Board of Geographic Names changed the name of the mountain back to "Denali." However, the U.S. Board of Geographic Names maintains "McKinley". Alaskans tend to use "Denali" and rely on context to distinguish between the park and the mountain. There have been several campaigns to officially switch the federally recognized name of the mountain back to "Denali". However, the name "McKinley" is well-known and has support as well. The name "McKinley" also allows visitors to differentiate between the mountain and Denali National Park, in which the mountain is located. In particular, at the first session of each Congress, Ralph Regula, the congressman from President McKinley's district, introduces legislation "to provide for the retention of the name of Mount McKinley," which effectively blocks any effort at a name change.

qouted from Wikepedia

Wrangell Mountain range

This image is made up of 4 shots taken with a wide angle lens and stitched together.
The Wrangell Mountain range is quite a site!

Welcome to Alaska - the last frontier

We made it!! Now the real adventure begins. I will keep posting photos periodically of Alaska's awesome beauty. Check back from time to time and enjoy the adventure.

Teslin - Nisutlin Bay Bridge

Of all the beautiful places in the Yukon, Teslin was my favorite. This small town drew me in. I can't explain what it was, but it pulled me in and made me feel so welcome and at home. I had intended on driving through to Whitehorse, but as I approached this town and breathed in it's beauty I decided to stay for the night. If you ever pass through Teslin, stop at the Yukon motel. Even if you are not staying the night there, the restaurant there has a terrific caribou sausage and perogie dinner!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Beasts of the Yukon

More from the Yukon.....

Behold the beauty of the Yukon !!

What a gorgeous place, the Yukon ! It was breath-taking all through my journey towards Alaska.

British Columbia - land of the wild

As you drive through British Columbia, the wildlife greet you along the road sides. With every curve, and twist, and turn of the road, you must remain watchful in order to keep from hitting these beautfiul animals as you never know when they will appear.

The Canadian Rockies

What a view! Again the photo just does not do the scene justice. This was my first time driving through British Columbia and the landscapes were just amazing.

Welcome to British Columbia, where there's room in the Inn

I found this old barn to be very interesting. It sits along side the welcome to BC sign.
I'm sure this old barn holds many secrets that we'll never know. Somehow it just felt welcoming to me.


As I crossed into Montana the sky remained overcast. There was road construction all down Route 2. I took this shot here while sitting for one of several 15 minute road construction stops.

Day 1 - North Dakota

October 2, 2006 - I left for Alaska. I left the Upper Peninsula of Michigan early in the day, crossing through Wisconsin, the top of Minnesota, and then into North Dakota. There really wasn't anything to shoot until I came across the Black Hills of North Dakota. The photo doesn't do them justice as the sky was overcast and so the lighting wasn't the best.